cbd gummies

CBD Gummies Recipe

As CBD has been sweeping the globe along with its many products, much interest has been shown in CBD gummies. A tasty alternative to CBD oil, CBD gummies offer a more enjoyable way to enjoy CBD. What could be characterized as a gelatinous snack, CBD gummies serve as an innovative way to consume CBD without trying to force the distinct taste of CBD oil down if you don’t care for it. Due to its sudden rise in popularity, many people have been curious as to what goes into making gummies besides CBD. Here we intend to provide you with a typical recipe for CBD gummies, granting you the much needed insight as to what you’re putting into your body. 

What is CBD?

Before the recipe for CBD gummies is explained, allow me to offer a refresher course on just what CBD is, to begin with. CBD or cannabidiol is a chemical compound found with the hemp plant. Because of its intrinsic health-promoting properties, CBD is a highly coveted compound; not only that but as a result of its popularity the hemp plant is strategically planted and cultivated for the expressed purpose of extracting CBD. Moreover, specific measures are taken to separate tetrahydrocannabinol or THC—the chemical compound that is responsible for causing the feeling of intoxication—from CBD to ensure that there are no psychedelic drawbacks associated with the product whatsoever, as is the case with THC and marijuana. As you may know, CBD is used to treat a wide variety of ailments including but not limited to the following: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, depression, anxiety, muscle aches, chronic pain in general and much more. This is all made possible mainly due to the fact that CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory, which means that it is remarkable at reducing swelling at a moment’s notice. 

The CBD recipe

CBD gummies can be easily made at home, just so long as you have the mold to form the traditional gummy bear shape which we are all so accustomed to seeing. For this recipe all that is required is the CBD and some tincture to mix in with the concoction, 1 package (about ½ cup) of gelatin dessert in your choice of flavor, 1 ½ cups of fruit juice, and 1 tablespoon of sweetener to taste. From this point, you simply take how much CBD per mg you would like in each of your gummies and divide that number by the total amount of CBD and you will get the number of gummies that will be made. So if you had 100 mg of CBD and wanted each gummy to contain 2 mg apiece, then you can make a total of 50 gummies. Next, the tincture needs to be added which is 50mg/ml which means you will need 2 ml of tincture for this recipe.  Next, heat all of the ingredients together in a pot (add sugar to taste), being sure to put the gelatin in last. Be sure not to boil the mixture and once it’s hot put the mixture into the mold and refrigerate it until it is set. 

If it seems more cost-efficient for you to create your own CBD gummies at home, give it a shot. Be sure that you put the precise dosage into your mixture. Please continue your research to discover everything that CBD has to offer you.